Do you provide Home-Based Primary Care (HBPC)?
Do you want to help us develop a process for practice certification in HBPC?
We are researchers at Massachusetts General Hospital and John’s Hopkins University interested in determining the feasibility of developing a home-based primary care practice accreditation / certification process.
If you are associated with the following groups, we would like to invite you to join our focus group:
Volunteers must be:
- Home-based primary care practice staff OR
- A representative from a health system payer organization OR
- A representative from a relevant professional organization
- 18 years old or older AND
- English-speaking
The focus group or interview will be done over Zoom. The session will last up to 1 hour and will be recorded. We will destroy the recording when the project is done. We will not talk about the names of people who volunteer for this project. Your information will be kept confidential. We will thank you for your participation with a $50-$100 gift card for this one-time 30-60-minute focus group.
Interested in participating in this 1-hour research study? Please use this QR code OR contact Naomi Gallopyn at